Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Look who is 3 weeks old...

Well, it is hard to believe, but Brylee is already 3 weeks old. Today we finally made it to the doctor... (she had canceled a few times.) for Brylee's 2 week check. She is up to 8 lbs 3 ozs. She is still 21 inches long. It is a relief to know that she is eating well, and gaining the weight that she needs. She may have blocked tear ducts... but that is a wait and see. Her eyes are constantly teary. She also has an impressive umbilical hernia. Another thing that we just wait and watch. It should close by the time she goes to Kindergarten. Maybe I'll post some pics of it. Though I take care of kids all the time who have had the hernia repair, I rarely see the hernia prior to surgery. Its kinda cool. Otherwise, she is perfect. It has been amazing to watch her change day by day. They just do not stay small long enough. Here are some pics of our growing girl.

Everyday she seems more alert. She definitely recognizes My and Bryce's voices. She will turn towards us when we talk to her. She also is holding her head up. And, she thinks its fun to roll from side to side. Especially when we are trying to change her bum. Overall, she is doing exactly what she should... I am hoping that maybe she will start sleeping longer at night... :)


JC Photography said...

Yep - She's even more beautiful! You two make pretty babies!

Mandee said...

I found your blog! Woot woot!

Jessica said...

She is such a cute little thing! I can't wait to see her!

Mary said...

She is beautiful! I totally agree on the sleeping through the night..However, Jorgen slept 5 hours in a row yesterday. Unfortunately, it started at 8:30 pm...

Mitzi said...

Aww, so cute!