Sunday, May 16, 2010

Easton's First Week

May 7th... Day 0... Easton's Birth Day!
He looks a lot like his Daddy... and his brother, Parker.
May 8th... Day # 1... Chilling at the Hospital.
He is so fun to cuddle. He is also a good little eater.

May 9th... Day #2... Mother's Day!
We get to go home today! Yeah... mommy can't wait to sleep in her own bed.

May 10th... Day # 3... Love being home.
May 11th... Day # 4... 1st Doctor Visit
We had to go check Easton's bili level and wt. He looked great, no blood draw needed, and he is back to his birth wt already. That means he put 2 ounces on each day since leaving the hospital.
May 12th... Day #5... First Bath
Easton had his first bath tonight. Mommy even spiked his hair... is he handsome.
May 13th...Day #6... The siblings return.
Parker and Brylee had been staying with Grandma Janna the last few days. They came home today, and we no longer have peace and quiet. Easton has also had to be patient with their constant prodding.
May 14th... Day #7... 1 Week old!
I can't believe how fast it has gone. He is already losing that newborn smell. It makes me sad. He continues to eat well. We are working on the sleeping well thing... :) I may be biased...but I think he is the cutest thing ever.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Its a BOY!

On the night of May 7th, while at a family BBQ, my water broke! It was 7:12pm. I mention that only, because in less then two hours, I would be holding my new baby. Bryce and I arrived at the hospital at 8pm. ( Thank you to Aunt Dorie who took Parker and Brylee for us.) I was already contracting every 2-3 minutes, and they hurt! The smile in this picture is deceiving. At 8:15pm, we still had no nurse, and I was really hurting, so Bryce went and asked someone to come in and check me... I was a 7! I then had 3 nurses, and things got all crazy.

They paged my doctor, and the anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist came right away. (Bless him) However, I was so close to delivery that he warned that my epidural would not be very effective... he was right... dang it! I was able to relax a little, but then the baby started having some problems. My contractions were so hard and fast, that he would drop his heart rate. Though our nurse was doing her best to keep a calm voice and act like nothing was wrong, I recognized her panic. Heck, I'm a nurse too, I do the same thing when my patient is acting naughty. Then, came the O2... it did not help the baby much, the heart rate continued to drop, and got as low as 30. ( Scary huh) It is now 8:45ish... still no doctor, and so they page for the resident, and the NICU staff... and now I am starting to panic.
I will spare you all the delivery pics... He made it safe and sound. My doctor walked in at about 8:50ish, and I was a 10. We started pushing. It was a little rough for me, because I could feel a lot of it. But, I was so worried about his heart rate, I refused anymore medication, and did my best to push him on out. And no, I will never be an advocate for natural child birth! :) Easton David Smith entered the world at 9:15pm. He was 7 pounds and 10 ounces, and 21 inches long. Unlike my other children, he came out screaming, letting us all know how upset he was about this whole thing.

He was perfect. It was a little surreal to hold him for the first time. I had been whining for weeks about wanting him here, and now I was holding him. The nurse let me know that I was on the TOCO monitor for a whole whopping 58 minutes. This delivery was a little fast...even for me.

Parker was thrilled to have a new little brother. It was what he wanted all along. Brylee heard him cry outside my door, and seemed to know from then that her baby was here now, and no longer in mom's tummy. She loves him, but to her his name is "Baby" Now the fun starts as I see how it goes balancing 3!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Guess Who is 18 Months...

It is hard to believe that Bry- Bry is already 18 months. It has gone by sooooo fast! She is such a happy kid, and we love her so much. Here she is, already thinking that she needs a cell phone.
Her favorite people to call, are grandma, Aubrey (her cousin) and Nenni, (her aunt).
She is still a blondy with her bright blue eyes. At her 18 month check -up she weighed 22 lbs and was 31 inches long. She is a little on the slender side, and so the Doctor asked if she was a picky eater... Bryce and I both had to laugh, because for those of you who know Bry, she will eat anything, and anytime of the day. She is just an active little thing.
So, at 18 months, are little princess has truly become one. She loves her"cute shoes" and when her hair is all curly. She loves playing with her kitchen, and is often found pushing her babies around in their strollers. She is a little on the independent side, ok thats a lie, she is alot on the independent side. She wants to do everything herself, especially if Parker gets to do it by himself. She is also quite the talker. I figure she is using 40-50 words regularly. ( Our pediatrician was hoping she said 15.... I think she used 15 in front of him. :) Of course her favorite is "NO." And a close second would be "Naack" Which of course is "snack" and is always said at a higher pitch and volume. She loves to sing, with her favorite songs being "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" and "Popcorn popping on the apricot tree." She is also showing some intrest in potty training... do we dare hope she will be that easy????? After our Parker expirence, we are in no hurry... She is a smart little thing, and we have our hands full. Yet, we can't imagine our lives without her... love you Bry!
Smith Family Update
Since I have been slacking, and have not blogged in about 4 months, I will catch you up. First, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Our 2010 has been non-stop. In January, Landon turned 16. Yes, we have two teen drivers in the house... But, between you and me, he makes me way less nervous then Kaylie... even today. :) Also, in January Bryce and I were able to escape to Cancun for a week. It was a fun and very relaxing vacation. I really needed it. Thank you to the Harvey Family for making it possible, and being such fun travel companions. February flew by with sick kids... Bry having it the worst, getting, pneumonia, RSV, and two ear infections. And may I just mention that Augmentin, an antibiotic, should be removed from the market. Nasty stuff. Even my Bry, who eats anything, spit it out. ( Thank you to Mandy and Jami for the Hershey syrup idea... it got me through those last few days.) Thank heaven for the olympics... at least I had something to watch while we were home bound. And here is March... and its half over.... along with all this craziness, I am working full time, and Bryce is playing stay at home Dad, as well as building some houses. Kaylie is preparing for Graduation, and has been accepted to Dixie State College, in St. George. Landon, turned 16, has had his first date, and asked a girl to Prom. More on this to come. Parker attends Pre-school three days a week... and might I scream from the roof tops is finally potty trined! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! He has been doing the peeing thing for almost a year... but we just got him to poop on the potty. Its been two plus weeks and I have not had to change a poopy pull-up. Its been paradise. For those of you who know my family better, my little bro, Jeff is getting married in two weeks. So, things have been nuts in preparing for that. And to top it all off... I am 31 weeks pregnant. The baby will be here in May. ( I am sorry to those who are just finding this out... I have not said a lot about it.) The baby's gender is a surprise, so cast your vote... Boy or Girl. We are excited to find out. Despite our crazy life, we know we are blessed and feel support and love from all of you. We hope all is well with you and your families, and I am commiting to being better at updating my blog. Thanks for checking in on us. :)