Sunday, November 23, 2008

A list of what I am GRATEFUL for:

Today at my church, talks were given on being thankful, and gratitude. Something that one of the speaker's said, caught my attention. He said something like this," Yes, we all say we are grateful, we all say we know we are blessed, but if I asked, could you quickly give me a list, or tell me why you are grateful for those things..." So, being the week of Thanksgiving, here is my list of the things I am thankful for. And for the things I count as my personal blessings.

1. My Religion. Its the backbone of my life. Through it I find the strength and the motivation to keep going and to be a better person.

2. My Husband. Somebody may have had him first... but he was made for me! I could not ask for a better man to spend my life with. He is all I ever dreamed of, and more then I could of ever hoped for.

3. My Marriage. I purposely listed it separately. My husband is incredible, but or marriage can be tough. But, I am grateful for those ups and downs. And, I am grateful that during those tough times, that we both fight to keep us going. Marriage, not the easiest thing... but the greatest of blessings.

4. Kaylie and Landon: They challenge me each day to be a better person and a better parent. Through them I have learned more about Love then any other person. We all had to choose to love, and I know its not always easy. And I know, that somewhere, long ago, in a different world, that I promised them, that I would be here for them. I just hope that I do not disappoint.

5. Parker: Nobody brings a smile to my face like this kid. Though, he and I have our moments, he is the first person I ever experienced unconditional love with. Even if I get upset with him, I am the one he wants to console him. There are not words to explain that.

6. Brylee: A coo or a smile melts my heart. Looking into her eyes, I see, that to her, I am the best mommy in the world. It is a wonderful reminder on those tough days.

7. My Mom: Aka My Hero. She gave up so much to give her kids the best life they could have. I have her to thank for everything! I only hope I can be as good as Mom as her. And even now, when I am sick or upset, she is the one I turn to. Thanks for being there mom!

8. My Dad: Though not actively present most of my childhood, he instilled more in me then he will ever know, or ever take credit for. To me, you were the best Dad you knew how to be. I love you!

9. My Siblings: The people on earth that know me best. And, my favorite people to be with. With you, I can be whoever I want to be. Our memories together are some of my dearest. XOXOXO

10. My In- Laws: So, accepting, so loving. From the day I met all of them, I have been loved and accepted. Though I was a decade younger then their son and brother, and the second wife. They are all fantastic people and I am grateful that my kids have them to learn from.

11. My extended family: Nobody gets us. And I think its just perfect. To my grand-parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins... thank you for all your support and love. Each one of you is a blessing and brings happiness to my life. Though my trials, ups, and downs, my family has stood there, ready to give me love, support or even just a hug. Even today, they attend all my crazy birthday parties, births of my babies, and their blessings.

12. Friends New and Old: Some friends I don't talk to for months, and with a phone call those days float away, and it was like we were hanging out just yesterday. It is such a comfort to know that you are there, if I need you. And friends new, its great to discover our similarities and have the excitement of building new memories together.

13. The Harvey Family: The Harvey's are my husband's ex-in-laws. Wow, what can I say. The Harvey's have been a great example to me, of acceptance, and of love. Though their daughter and sister is my husband's ex, I have always felt loved and welcomed in their home. They even display a picture of Bryce and I and the kiddos. I was so touched by this. They even go as far as to refer to themselves as Parker's and Brylee's other grandma and grandpa. My kids and I are so lucky to have the Harvey's as part of our lives.

14. Answers to Prayers: Though I receive this blessing on a daily basis, my largest reminder of how close my Heavenly Father listens to both Bryce and I, lives across the street. When we made the decision to move 2 years ago, we prayed that our new neighbors would get us, and accept our unique family situation. Not only do we have neighbors that we love, and love us, but he gave us the Grants! Their family situation is identical to ours. So, not only do I and Bryce have someone who gets us, but our kids are also fortunate to have someone as well. Even if it s a few minutes in the yard, its so comforting to know, that they just know. And I honestly can not explain it better then that.

15. Forgiveness: I am not perfect, and therefore make a lot, I am talking, a lot of mistakes. I am thankful for those close in my life for their forgiveness, and willingness to love me despite my short comings. I am so thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ, and all the second chances he has given me.

16. For all of you, reading this blog: I am thankful for you, and blessed that you care enough to take time from your day to show interest in me and my family. It is your love and support that we feel daily. Thank you. And may you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Brylee's 2 Month Appointment

Brylee's 2 month visit to the doctor went well. She is up to 10 lbs and 7 oz. and she is 24 inches long. So, 25th percentile for weight, and 75 percentile for height. Tall and lean, just like her Daddy. She was such a sport through the whole visit. Until it came time for shots! Wow- she did not like those, the whole building heard her complaints of the treatment she had just received. Our long and skinny girl.
This is her opinion on having to get shots.

Parker's School Thanksgiving

This past week, Parker's pre-school had a Thanksgiving dinner and they invited the partents to come. It was a lot of fun. And, the food was really good. Parker also loves when we visit his school. He likes to show us all the toys and the friends he has there.Bryce and Parker.

Me, attempting not only to get Parker to smile for a picture, but also to sit still long enough to eat.
Parker playing. One of his favorite things at school is the toys outside! He loves to play on them.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Busy As Ever...

So this past week was crazy! On Monday night we went to see Madagascar 2. Every time that Parker saw a commercial he asked to we did. He actually did really well. He lasted the whole movie. However, with about 45 minutes left he started saying, " It's over." Though it was not. So, when it finally was, I said, " Parker guess what? The movie is over now." And he looked at me and said, " Again?" :) Then, on Tuesday we went through the annual adventure of getting a family picture taken. I always get so excited to have an updated picture... I forget how painful it is to get the actual pic taken. Also, Bryce wanted the puppies in the picture this year, so we had that as an extra treat... So, one newborn, one toddler, two teens, two stressed out parents, and two barking dogs... put them in Wheeler Farm, where there is plenty of geese, along with their poop, and plenty of people walking their dogs, not to mention the wet grass, and the cold temp... you do the Math! I needed a serious diet coke after this one! Look forward to the Christmas cards... it is going to be a winner. On Wednesday we went to Disney on Ice. Can I say the look on Parker's face is all I needed, to know that this was worth it. He loved it all, except the whole princess thing. They did a long number with all the princes and princesses and he kept saying, "No more princesses, no more princesses. Bring back the Beast." ( The Beast had been transformed to the dashing prince by this point.) Meanwhile, my niece was in Heaven. Thursday I spent assisting Landon in completing his report on Ireland. Thank you to Shari for all your help on that one! Friday and Saturday were spent at my family's cabin... and yesterday we spent with my mother-in-law for her birthday. Wow! Are you out of breath... I am. Sad thing, most our weeks go this way. Below are a few pics to put in the scrapbooks that I am 12 years behind on.

Parker enjoying Disney on Ice
Parker and his friend, Jaxon, with their light up Buzz Light Year swords. 12 bucks for the ticket and 18 bucks for the stupid souvenir... I am a smarty.

If the kids had not already had enough of the pictures, I had them smile for this one.

This is when she is an angel... when she is asleep.
Brylee is officially 2 Months! Its crazy!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Smith Family Update...

Ok, I know I go forever without posting, then catch up in a day... life has been nuts. We have been a house of sickies. On Wednesday we received a call form Parker's school. He was crying and sick. Both Bryce and I were surprised, because he had been laughing and running around that morning. Well, to make a long story short, he had an ear infection. Then, Bryce, Landon, and Brylee have all had colds! It has been a busy week, with a lot of whining. I keep waiting for my turn to be sick...oh to lay in bed all day... ya right! As Moms, we all know, there is no such thing as a sick day. :) Then Bryce and I have been taking a parenting course called "Love and Logic" I have mixed feelings... but at least we are trying to get on the same page when it comes to raising these 4 kids. Kaylie is busy being a teenager. Life runs smoothly as long as she gets her way... but I will leave my griping for another day. She just celebrated her "6 month sort-of anniversary." What is that you ask??? Well, see, she and Levi have liked each other for 6 months. But since she "does not like titles," he is not her boyfriend. Yet, they kiss, cuddle, hold hands, and go to every stinkin dance together... not to mention spend everyday together. BUT, he is not her boyfriend. She does not want the title in case someone else wants to ask her out. Don't get me going on this one, cuz I just don't get it. Landon is pretty well adjusted. Though he prefers to be a home body, he is liking school, and has made some friends there and in the neighborhood. Parker is just plain busy, and asks to go to the zoo everyday. He does not care that there is snow on the ground. And Brylee is growing and becoming quite the chunky monkey. below are some pics... she is 8 weeks old! How time flies!
She is about to dose off!
Finally, one of my kiddos got my blue eyes!

Oh my Babies!

So, I mentioned a time or two how all of my friend's were pregnant and due about the same time. Well, here is the proof... Might I also mention that we are all nurses at Primary Children's Medical Center. If you don't want to get knocked up, don't drink the water at PCMC!

( left to right) Meet Briana and Zander, Mandy and Evelynn, Jami and Anna, and then there is Brylee and IHere is a close up of the little ones. Zander, the only boy of the group timed this right. He has two older sisters... and came with all these girls!

Our Fam all Dressed Up!

With a new baby and a hectic fall, we slacked in the costume department this year! Oh well! Bryce and I were pirates. Landon was who knows what, and then we had Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. ( Kaylie had already left for the night)
Oh so cute and freaky...
Our little Tinker Bell...
Parker liked the accessories more then the costume, but he put up with it. Here is Peter Pan!

Landon did not want to be anything... but he could not be nothing... so he came up with the mask idea. I was fine with it, as long as it did not scare Parker. This one did not.

After much costume drama, Kaylie was a baby. Go figure! In her words, it was warm, comfortable, and modest. I must say she looks adorable. To bad that the year she decides to be warm, we have a 70 degree Halloween...

Halloween 2008 was Great and so Busy!

Halloween Day... began early and ended late, but Parker has buckets of candy to show for it. We started the day going Trick or Treating with his day care. They go over to American Fork Hospital. I can't believe the haul he got! And, oh the patients loved it. Then, we went to Bryce's sister, Dorie, work. There both Brylee and Parker were shown much attention and affection. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch and met some of Dorie's co-workers. Whom were all great to let us crash their party.
Brylee and Parker with their Aunt Dorie.
Parker and his pre-school teacher, Sara. He loves her!

Trick-or- Treating with his class! Can I just say in the 2-3 year old population, there was a lot of Little Mermaids this year!

Saunder's Halloween Party

It's that time again... Halloween! Which I love! As most of you know, I come from a pretty tight extended family. ( Yes, I know all my cousins names and everything...:) Keeping true to our traditions, we held a family party. This year we met to have lunch, then went on a Hay Ride. We all fit! Can you believe it! Then, we picked pumpkins and gourds to our heart's content. ( Thank you, thank you, to the Dibble Fam)
Brylee at 7 weeks! She is showing off her Halloween Outfit!
Parker and Jaxon in the pumpkin field. Jaxon is one of Parker's best friends. Jaxon's mom, Steph and I went to high school together and have been tight since. And her daughter, Paisley and Brylee are only 4 days apart!

Living it up on the Hay Ride!

Landon's Lacrosse

So, our blog has been pretty focused on our newest addition latley, but our other kiddos still keep us busy... Landon's passion currently is Lacrosse. He played for the pre-team to Lone Peak High School. He enjoys the game, and though I still don't get it... its fun to go and watch. For those who know less them me... its a cross between soccer and hockey, with all kinds of funky rules. :)