Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kaylie's September

Kaylie is having a ball this fall.... ( ha ha) She has been to two Homecoming dances. One to Lone Peak and the other to Pleasant Grove. Her date for PG's Homecoming, Nick, is pictured with her below. ( sorry I could not get the underline to go away. )

Bryce, Parker, and Brylee, watching Kaylie's Powder Puff game.

Powder Puff... for those who do not know, its when girls play football. It is meant to be flag football, but these girls did not get the memo. If you think football without pads would be fun to watch... you should check this out. :) Bloody.

Smiling...despite being ripped off by the refs... go Lone Peak!

Brylee's 1st Birthday Party!

Bryce and I wanted to make a tradition of having a big 1st Birthday party. For Brylee, we did the same as Parker, and rented a swimming facility. She had a big Luau Party. It was so much fun. Thank you to all of you who came to support and give her love on this day. We are so blessed to ahve family and friends who love us so much.

Brylee all decked out for her Luau!
Soaking in the pool with Dad.

Back when Brylee was born, I had 3 friends who also had babies within about two weeks. Here are those crazy 4, all at about age 1!

Brylee, taking her first bite of birthday cake...

Brylee, 5 minutes after taking first bite of birthday cake. She was not shy.

Our Sweet Princess Turns 1!

Can you believe it???? I can't. Seems just like yesterday that I brought her home, and wondered how in the heck, am I going to do this two kid thing???? And now one very short year later, she is my walking, talking, big girl. It almost is unfair how quick it goes. We love you so much Brylee, and are so happy to be parents to you! You are our Princess!
Enjoying her new playhouse. She is thinking that birthdays are the greatest!

So, she loves, I mean loves, to talk on the phone. Here she is getting one more birthday wish. I think that "hi" was one of her first words.

So, after much thought on what she might enjoy for her 1st Birthday, we decided on the State Fair. It was a good choice. She has a blast. Here she is riding the ponies. We had people stopping to watch her because she was having such a great time.

She was not sure if she liked the big slide or not. However, being the torturous parents we are, we had her ride it 3 more times.

Bre and Tom's Wedding

So, back in August, my cute niece married her sweetheart, Tom. I know its really weird... I have a niece who is just a few years younger then me. However, they are adorable, and we loved spending the day with them. Congrats you guys! We love you!

Our family... I did my best to color coordinate for the Wedding pictures. Bryce and I were in green, Kaylie and Landon in yellow, and the babes in red. I thought it looked great. Parker thought he was hot stuff in his new suit. :)