So, for those who know our family well, know that we have 4 out our 7 birthdays in a 3 week period April to May. Needless to say its party after party after party. This year we finally got smart and left the party decorations up all month. :) So, I will start with Kaylie... since her's is first. Kaylie turned 19 on April 16th.
My Birthday... was April 24th, and I turned 31. Do I look middle aged? As I told a friend, I really would rather be 21 forever! However, sometimes I feel like I am 50, so I guess 31 is a good compromise.
My Grandpa Saunders and I.
I may be 31, but G-pa still thinks I need my birthday I got it. Thank heavens he got tired after two. LOL! :)
Since my Birthday fell on a Sunday, we ate out the night before to celebrate. We went to one of my favorites... Tepanyaki!
My crazy group...
The whole fam! Thanks for your love and support you guys!
So, I grew up with Birthdays being a big deal... and I guess I have put that pressure onto Bryce. So, though my birthday was on Easter, he really wanted it to be special and feel like it was my b-day. So, my day began with breakfast in bed. Parker and Brylee thought that sounded like fun, so they joined me. ( This will be the only pic I ever post without make-up, so enjoy.)
Later that day, after the Easter stuff, my family and friends came over to have dinner. Here we are chillin'
Cake time... we have a running joke in my fam... my cake is always ugly. We don't try to get ugly cakes, they just kinda turn out that way. This year Bryce asked for sunflowers, and we got dandelions! Oh well, it still tasted awesome!
Parker wanted to assist in blowing out my candles. However, as we were singing, we was picking frosting off my cake. So, after the candles were out, I took the frosting, and about 2 secs after this pic was taken, I wiped that frosting all over Parker's face!
Do I look happy... because I am. My birthday must haves... Harmon' s chocolate cake with non-dairy whipped frosting. And bubblegum ice cream from Farr's Ice cream in Ogden. The are two major loves in my life.
Bryce wanted to get me 31 Fire and Ice Roses for my birthday... however there was a complication, and the roses he ordered were sold... so, we got these instead. They were no Fire and Ice, but they were free... so I guess it will do.
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