So, the other night on the news, the weather man said that based on the past, we have a 70% chance of rain or snow over Conference Weekend. And true to that, this was the view from our front door this morning. I should mention, that yesterday it was 70 degrees, and my kids were wearing shorts. Got to love Spring in Utah!
For all my friends, that don't live in Utah, this is how we do Conference.... PJ's and relaxation. :) Sorry for all of you, that attend in Stake Centers and such. I would not want to fight my kids for 8 hours! Here is my adorable baby, who is almost not a baby anymore. Last year at this time, we were still casting bets over if he was a girl or a boy, and I was praying he would wait until May to come. He is so sweet, and I love him sooooo much! I do not know what I would do without my little sweetheart.
Each year it seems we get fixated on something. Puzzles, Sudoku, Scrap booking. This year it was the dreaded Rubik Cube. Shari had to get online and get the instructions. Cheaters!
Jenni, pretending to listen, while playing Farm Frenzy on my I-Pad.
Maybe I will be considered a bad mom, but I don't require my little ones to watch conference. So, thanks to Walt Disney and the timely release of the movie Tangled. It kept Parker and my niece, Aubrey happy and quiet, while we got through the first Sunday session. They have a love hate relationship. Today it looks like the love won out. :)
Ok, so true to us... even on a spiritual day, my kids can be counted on for some good laughs! Being a pediatric nurse, I decided I would teach my kids the correct anatomical terms for body parts. (Trust me, you would be amazed at what some parents teach their kids.) I have also been open to answering my kids questions about their bodies. Well, it came back to bite me today. Here is Brylee posing with her " Bobs." Its no typo, she calls them "Bobs."She said, " Mom, I am big now, and now I have my bobs." My only thought is, I hope they stay that perky honey.
Haha! I love that Brylee girl. Anna and I are going to head to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point soon...we should plan a play date!
I love that! I'm all about being open and teaching the correct, anatomical terms. I think it's great!
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