For Memorial Day, our family, along with the rest of the Saunders, went to my Grandpa's cabin in Idaho. It was Memorial Day, but my grandpa was also celebrating his 75th birthday. He wanted nothing more then to have all his family together. So here we are... Parker and Landon playing ball. Parker loves to spend time here, and of course, be outside.
My Mom's parents. Darrell and Arlene Saunders. I can't express what these two people mean to me. They are two of my heros. After almost 54 years of marriage, they still hold hands! More then that, the impact they have had on my life and that of my entire family, will forever be endless. Together they began a legacy. It now consists of 7 children, 7 children-in-law, 37 grandchildren, of which 7 are now married leading to 7 grandchildren-in -law, and finally 11 great-grand children, with one on the way. ( that would be mine. :)
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