Friday, March 11, 2011

Hi... Did you miss me

Hi all... I know I have been a bad blogger lately. I guess adding a 3rd baby to the mix, did take some adjusting, as well as we kept living our busy, crazy lives. Not to mention that I returned to work after only 6 weeks of maternity leave, and have worked 3-4 days a week since. :) It does not leave much time for my sweet little ol' blog. So here is our run down of 2010.
In May, Kaylie graduated from Lone Peak High School. She is currently attending college at Dixie State in St. George. She is working on her generals, and hopes to get into Radiology Tech school.
JUNE: For Kaylie's "Senior" trip, we went to New York with our neighbors and friends, The Grant's. We had such a great time. It almost felt like two trips in one. The first half we spent in upper New York, visiting Niagara Falls, and some church sites. The last half we were in New York City.
Here we are, sleep deprived, freezing, but smiling in front of the Falls. They are impressive.

This is the family home of Joseph Smith. Ummmm.... its way to small for this Smith clan.

We are standing in the Scared Grove. I was so surprised at its size. It's huge. However, there is definitely a different feeling there. Easton even seemed to respect the reverence of this area.

Time Square Baby.... need I say more. :) We stayed at the Marriott hotel right in time square, there was always so much going on. While we were in NYC, we saw Wicked, and now I am an extreme fan. I highly recommend it.
Here we are eating at the famous restaurant, Serendipity. The frozen hot chocolate that they are known for is worth the 15 bucks a cup. But better then that, Tom Cruise ate dinner right next to us. Now, that is awesome.
We became masters of the subway. It was a blessing to our feet.
The Statue of Liberty.
JULY: During the month of July we were gone more then we were home. However, on July 4th, we blessed Easton. We had an impressive crowd. Thanks to all those who supported us this day.
Bryce did a firework show for my fam and the neighborhood.
On July 25, my sweet boy turned 4. He had a Toy Story Birthday, basically because he was obsessed. We spent the day at the Dinosaur Museum.
The last week we spent at New Port Beach with the Harvey Family. Here is Kaylie and her boyfriend, Ty, playing in the sand.
To say Parker is obsessed with the ocean, is an understatement. I am afraid this trip was the beginning of a love affair.
Little Easton enjoyed the trip too....he got held all day long.
Bry had a fabulous time too. In the beginning, she did not like the feeling of the wet sand on her hands. However, after a week of beach sitting, she got use to the idea.
Easton and Landon bonding. Part of the New Port tradition, is bike rides. We take long bike rides all over the place. Here we stopped for an ice cream treat.
AUGUST: We spent resting from all our vacations... is that sick or what. :) However, Parker began playing soccer. It was the best time. They are hilarious. Not many goals are scored, but we have a ton of laughs.
I know I am his mom, but I think he is so handsome. :) First day of pre-school. And no, I am not one of those moms who cries. I was so excited he was going, I only wish it was 5 days a week instead of 4.
SEPTEMBER: As I have done for 30 years of my life, for Labor Day, we attended the Saunder's Family reunion. The difference about this year, is that we were in charge. And, we honored my Grandpa. It was a fun weekend, but I was glad when it was done. Here we are posing in our cool shirts.
I love this picture, and I will cherish it forever. During this time, my Grandma, was super sick. We actually had to get her released from a nursing home, so she could spend the day with us when he honored my Grandpa. Her memory was so-so, and she usually did not know who we were. She knew she loved us, but was confused by not recognizing us. For this brief moment, she knew me, had called me by my name, and asked to see my cute baby. I will never forget that time.
Guess who is soooo naughty.....but soooooo cute. Brylee turns two! And she had a "kitty hello" birthday. She does not say Hello Kitty. We spent the night at classic skating, and had so much fun.
I waste no time sticking my kids in beds. So, a few days after her birthday Brylee was moved form her crib to her big girl bed. She loved it.
OCTOBER: Well, I made a commitment, and stuck to it. In October Bryce and I ran a 10K. My sweet kids cheered us on. It was a blast. And stinkin Bryce placed 1st, and hardly trained. I guess that is what happens when you are in the 40 + category. J/K Babe.
Sporting our awesome shirts...Spending a day at the Dibble Farm. ( Thanks Steph) Parker loved jumping bale to bale.
Brylee picking out her pumpkin.
We even got one just Easton's size. After all Halloween and Fall are mommy's favorite, and she has to go all out.
Another Halloween tradition... Thriller! I have gone to Thriller for the last 9 years. I introduced Bryce to Thriller when we got married, and he is hooked. Now, each year, our group grows. Its awesome, and not Halloween without it. (Thanks Jami for this addiction.)
Bry and Aubrey at the Saunders Family Halloween Party...the were so happy to match. I wonder if they will feel the same at 16?
Here is my Mom's crazy group. L to R My niece, Aubrey, my Nephew, Casen. Then Parker, Easton, and Trouble aka Brylee.
We went trunk or treating at the cabin, as part of the party, and so that all the cousins could see the costumes. My grandma had so much fun handing out candy. This is the last time we spent with her, until the night she passed away. So, it was a very special weekend.
Halloween Night... Parker was Batman.
Bry- Bry was "super gurl"
And keeping with a theme, because I am a nerd like that, Easton was Spiderman. Here are my cute super heros.
NOVEMBER: On November 4th, my grandma passed away. I only mention this, because she was so very dear to me. Our relationship was so special, and even now, 6 months later, I am not used to having her gone. The other conflict that I was faced with, is that very next day, Bryce and I were to be on a plane to Hawaii. Our time away alone is like marriage therapy for us, and we desperately needed it. It was one of the most difficult decisions for me to make, but in the end my Grandpa asked me to go, so I went. Therefore I missed my Grandma's funeral. However, I did ask my Mom to speak at her funeral, and I did. Thanks to my sister for reading my talk. :) And thanks to my Grandma...she sent me a rainbow everyday in Hawaii until the day she was buried...and it was time for me to stop worrying about being home, and enjoy our vacation.
Bryce in front of the USS Arizona.
Me climbing through the ship. They are huge. So much space...its a little decieving. I still don't know if I would want to live on one for months at a time though.
The Hawaiian Temple. We happened to visit during the open house, so it was fun to see the inside. It is smaller then our temples in Utah, but so beautiful....very tropical.
Here I am eating one of my favorite treats. Pineapple Whip... I know of only two places in the world you can get the Dole plantation in Hawaii, or at Disneyland. Guess I will just have to visit both often, so I can get a taste of this treat.
One of our more Hawaiann looking pictures.
Thanksgiving...We had dinner with the Smith Family at Jill's house. It was a full house, but we had a good time.
DECEMBER: So, this post was getting way to long, so I cut it down... we did a lot in December, Festival of the Trees, parties, parties and more parties. :) Skip to Christmas Eve...
Bryce and I joke that our room and bed are a gathering place. Usually by morning we have two dogs, and 2 children in bed with us. So, as a joke we took this pic, with evryone cramming into our bed.
Christmas Morning...and yes I make all the kids wait on the stairs, because thats what my mom made us do. So, here they are...waiting. Easton would rather be in bed though.
Merry Christmas!
Parker out in one of our "blizzards"
Hope you all had a wonderful New Year... we just chilled at home, played games, and ate lots of junk food. All my kiddos, except Easton, made it to midnight.


Jami said...

Oh, my didn't forget that you had a blog! ;-) Thanks for the update! The pics you posted are way cute. You do live a crazy busy life!
P.S. I shouldn't be surprised that Anna and Brylee share most of the same wardrobe. The red shirt in her birthday picture, the striped sweater vest, the red checkered shirt...yeah, Anna has them as well! We both have good taste!