Fall is my most favorite time of the year. I absolutely love it. The weather becomes cooler, the leaves change, and there are a lot of excuses for cuddling. :) So, maybe that is why I chose to get married in October... Anyway, this year Bryce and I decided to ditch the cooler temps, and spent our 7th anniversary in Phoenix, AZ. We had a great time. Here are some highlights.
Thriller can be a little intense for young ones, so to get my kiddos in the mood for the season, we went on a Halloween Cruise on the Provo River. My kids loved it!
Waiting patiently for our turn to board the boat.
Our fearless captain... no tip though, because we were attacked by pirates!
Enjoying the cruise... or should I shall river row.
Despite the Pirates, we made it back all alive... I guess our captain was not that bad after all.
Everyone posing outside the cruise.
And that night I finally let me kids start wearing their halloween jammies. I think they are adorable.
The weekend before Halloween we ran non stop. It seemed it was one party after another. We all had a wonderful time though.
Going Trunk- or -Treating with friends. Brylee was Rapunzel this year. Her cute friend, Paislee was Raggedy Ann.
Parker, or should I say Luke Skywalker, crosses light sabers with his friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or on a regular day, Jaxon.
Easton, our little squirt turtle, tried to eat the candy as fast as he received it.
Our little Rapunzel is in awe at how easy this whole trick-or-treating thing is. A few little words and BAM... Candy!
The next day we headed into my Grandpa's house. We had a nice lunch, and had a chance to play with cousins. However, the highlight of the day was playing in the leaves.
Bry showing off her Halloween outfit.
All my kiddos decked out for the day.
My kids and my cute niece and nephew. My sister themed her family as "Alice in Wonderland."
Parker enjoying the leaves.
Easton and his cousin, Leah, enjoying the leaves. Leah is my cousin, Celeste's daughter. They are about a month apart in age. however, this is the first they really played together.
After a yummy lunch and good times at Grandpa's house, we headed to Lagoon for Frightmares!
Parker trick-or-treating in the hay maze.
Catching a few rides. This ride is so old, I rode it as a child. I don't know if that makes it nostalgic, or a life hazard.
And fianlly the day I was counting down to arrived. Halloween was here!
Parker in his school costume parade.
Brylee wanted to be part of the parade too, so Grandma Marsha walked her around. She was happy and proud to be so big.
All ready to go Trick-Or-Treating. The weather here in Utah was beautiful this year. My kids lasted almost 2 hours.
Easton started saying "Trick-or-Treat" It was my most favorite memory from this year. It took me 10 minutes or so of wasted video to finally get him to say it on cue, but now I get to have that cute little trick-or-treat forever.
Parker taking some time to humor Mom, and allow her to take a picture.
Our neighbors, the Mundens, transform their basement into a haunted house. It is incredible. There are no people to jump out and grab you, just decorations, so the kids loved it. I think Parker went back 3 times.
I can't believe how grown up your babies are!!!!!! I miss you!
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