Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bry-Bry is 6 Months!

Wow, 6 months goes by fast. It has been so much having my baby girl. Brylee is the best baby. She is so content, unless of course she is hungry or tired. At 6 months, she is sitting up, and loves rolling and playing with toys on the floor. She also smiles and laughs all the time. She is also enjoying trying new foods... she thinks that baby food is alright, but would rather reach for and try to eat things off mommy or daddy's plate. She also responds to her name, which Parker thinks is so great. He is constantly calling her name to get her attention. She dislikes her carseat, so car rides are always a choir of cries. But, take a look at these pics, who could not fall in love with her????

St. Patricks green at the zoo...

So, my sis and I went to all this trouble to get our kids something green to wear for St. Patrick's Day. However, then it dons on us... no one will even see our kids on St.Patrick's Day. Obviously, its on a Tuesday. :) So, this past Saturday, we got them all festive and we enjoyed the wonderful weather at the zoo. My Parker, is soooo in love with the zoo. It is his happy place.Here we go. We got the kids a cart that they could get in and out of easily. It was a great idea, however we had many lessons on why we don't get out when the cart is moving...

At the elephant exhibit. My sis is taking the pic from below the kids.

This is their favorite. The Zoo carousel.

One of the many make-up hugs from the day. Parker and Aubrey spend so much time together, they fight like siblings.

Me and my boy, checking out the bears.

Parker and Aubrey with their Aunt Jenni.

My girl... getting her first taste of cotton candy... and like her mommy, she loves it!

Another not so good idea...we are lucky there were no blood wounds after this, but hey, at least I got the pic. :)

Grandma Janna! Can I say more. She is our kids favorite. Can ya tell?

Pics of the Cousins

Here is my little man... I can't believe how big he is getting! Yikes!

My niece, Aubrey, for those who know her... can you believe that she is holding still???

There she is... my little princess. Wow time flies. She thinks she is so big...

This picture should be considered a small miracle... two toddlers, one baby, all of which had to wait for over an hour, and were hungry... oh and the Disney store was across the hall. :)

The kids kept loving on Brylee, so we finally just had the photographer take their picture. This is Brylee's reality... she gets lots and lots of love from her brother and cousin, Aubrey.