Thursday, February 5, 2009

I hate, I mean HATE, Potty Training!

So, the last few weeks we have been "patiently" potty training Parker. He is now 2 and ½. So, yes, I think he is old enough... :) And, when Brylee came along, changing 14 plus diapers a day just got old... So, here we are, 4 weeks into the process of potty training and can I just say, it is the worst thing I have had to do as a parent thus far. It just plain sucks in my opinion. I wish there was a way I could pay someone to do it. :) Any takers???? Anyway here is a run down...if you are interested. Week 1: Went like this... I put Parker in "big-boy" underpants, bribed him with stickers and treats, and ta-dum... it worked like a charm. He had one accident, from then on he told me when he had to go potty, he got a sticker, he got a treat, and mom was smiling because no more diapers. However, Mom (being me) also went back to work this week, which put Daddy in charge... No problem... Daddy gave out stickers, gave treats, and cheered, clapped, and acted like a goof. We were so happy... Parker was happy, life was good. And I really started thinking, this potty training thing is not so hard... ( For that thought alone, I am now being punished.) So, here comes Week 2: Mom, decides to ask Dad how the whole #2 thing was going... Dad has a blank look, "what #2 thing," he asks... Mom then clarifies, has Parker pooped in the potty? Dad responds... Parker has not pooped at all. A Big Fat Uh- Oh echoes through the house. With the excitement and accomplishment of the #1, we had neglected, the more important #2! Yikes! So, we bribe, plea, cry for Parker to do the #2 on the potty... no luck, the harder we pleaded, the harder he held... so, no poop. Mom, being a nurse, and a human being, knew it was a little unhealthy not to poop for 6 blasted days! So, she makes a trip to the pharmacy, she shows Parker the suppository, explains where it goes, he does not care, and well, still refusing to poop, mom administers the suppository. ( These details, I will leave out.) An hour later, ( the stupid box said 15-30 mins.) Parker is still holding, Parker is crying, Mom is crying, and well... no luck. Finally, with a little yelling I must admit, Parker finally goes. Yea! So, like all the books say, that was the hardest part... smooth sailing from here... NOT! Parker goes another 3 days without going #2. Again, we plea, bribe, joke, and even threaten to no avail... we again are left with no choice but a suppository. After, 2 hours this time, moving the "little" potty in front of the T.V. we finally get a small result. However, the next morning, in his pull-up from the previous night, he unleashed. Mom was just glad he was all cleaned out. So, mom reads and reads, asks all her friends for advice, and researches. Mom and Dad decide to let Parker just do #2 in the pull-ups. Bring on Week 3. So, mom asks Parker to tell her when he needs to go #2, and she will put a pull-up on... he does and this works, and Mom's anxiety starts to evaporate. However, this potty training bliss lasts only two days. Then, potty training lost all its excitement. Parker could care less about the treats, and who needs stickers, and he could care less that mom and dad sing all these silly songs while he is on the potty. When he had an accident, and he had many this week, he could care less. In fact, I think he did it on purpose, just so I would put him in the tub...Again! One day he would do so well, and then the next it would be accident after accident. Mom threatened to throw the "big boy" pants away if he had an accident, and he looked at her and confidently said, " Daddy will buy me more." How smart he already is... So, here we are at week 4. Now Mom and Dad, two competent adults ponder how they can not convince their two year old to poop, or use the potty. Its all in Parker's control. If they take him to the potty, he goes, but otherwise, when the urge hits, he'll go where he is standing... and sees no problem with that. Mom has considered bagging the whole idea, but all those she talks to tell her this is normal, and one day it will just click. SO, until the day it "clicks" Mom will be losing her mind, And so, if you see me, you'll know why I have gone crazy. :) I hate potty training!


Briana said...

Oh the wonderful joys of parenting. This is only the beginning for your little man!!! See you tomorrow.

Jami said...

He will get it. Eventually. I promise. (You may be giving me the same advice in a few years when I am attempting to potty train Anna!!)We used to tease Cindy that she would have to steal some green diapers from work...but Campbell caught on to the whole potty training thing also!

Kamille said...

They just do it when they are ready. Sorry to tell you that but the more you push the more they push. Haiden was 95% there and we changed his entire world; moving and having a baby will do that to them. It took him another year and it was all him. One day he said to Michael "I want to go POTTY" and at that point he was TRAINED! Sorry probably not what you want to hear. He'll get there!!! Promise!

Liz said...

Yeah, now I'm really excited to start potty training Clara!