Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Go Utes Go! GO Utes Go!

Nationals!!! It has become a yearly tradition... my friends and I attend the NCAA National Gymnastics Championships. During the winter we attend the home meets at the U of U and lucky for us, the Utes rock, and they make it to Nationals each year. Sometimes we get to go fun places like LA, but this year it was held in Lincoln, Nebraska. A little boring... However, since we all decided to pro-create at the same time... we had four 7 month old babies with us. So, that made the trip pretty exciting. :) Thank you to Wendy who spent the whole week as our "extra set of hands."
Left to Right: Me and Bry, Briana and Zander, Jami and Anna, Mandy and Evelyn, and Wendy.

This is how we looked all week. We were well recognized. How do you miss 4 women carrying 4 babies... you don't!

Dinners were a little crazy... some restaurants did not even have enough high chairs.... Guess we took living in Utah for granted.:)

Our future Ute fans... They were so popular... that there was a photo shoot at the team party just for them... people are nuts... now my kid will bee plastered all over the place. :)

My little fan... all in red with the tattoo. She is so cute. She was such a trooper the whole trip. Especially when I got home and found out she had a double ear infection.

Me and my girl. This trip was a little nuts, and at times we all questioned our sanity... but in the end, I am grateful to spend time with dear friends. And, to have these memories of time with just Bry and I.

Easter Pic's

Happy Easter! Parker and Brylee siting with the Easter Bunny at Parker's school.
Parker and his basket. He was very excited about his play dough.

Bry- Bry and her basket.

New sunday clothes for Easter. They match... of course. :)

Parker's first easter egg dying...he had green fingers for days...

Bry's idea of dying easter eggs.

Posing during our hard work.

Brylee hunting eggs with the help of Grandpa Mike.

Parker had this down...

Enjoying the nice weather. Kaylie and Landon are not in any of the pictures due to them baking in the Caribbean Sun on a cruise with their mom. We were jealous.